1. Welcome! We are happy to have you here. This site is owned by HOLIAO FITNESS WORLD (JM0956915-U)

Service Provider Responsibility

  1. HOLIAO FITNESS WORLD, as service provider, provides health and fitness coaching as a service that includes one of multiple items listed:
    1. Nutrition assessments
    2. Health assessments based on recent health check report
    3. Nutrition recommendation
    4. Workout recommendation
    5. Lifestyle coaching and education
  2. Our coaching is both virtual & in-person, we get in touch and connected via social media platforms including but not limited to WhatsApp group chat & Google Meet.
  3. All workout and nutrition are personalized recommendation to our clients based on the latest and most accurate information we obtained from the client. Workout design will be based on the equipment that our clients have access to, either from home or from gym.
  4. Our service do not include gym membership/entrance fee.
  5. We only give recommendations for supplement as part of the program.
  6. The service provider is not liable for the client's injury or any undesirable outcome as a result of the service they provide. Before starting on a new program, the client is recommended to seek clearance from their medical doctor or general physician.
  7. The service provider reserves the rights to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice

Client Responsibility

  1. Users of this site, as clients, are responsible to understand our service level agreement before purchasing our service. No refunds will be entertained.
  2. Users of this site, as clients, use this website at their own risk.
  3. Clients are expected to fully understand the recommendations and decide to execute the actions on their own in their own time and space, to their best of ability.
  4. Subscription of gym membership is up to the client's choice. Work with the coaches to inform them the choice of space for workout. Workout design is based on the equipment that the client has access to.
  5. Clients are expected to exercise full discretion to purchase supplement on their own, additionally, based on the recommendation as part of the program.